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The Synorgon Diet

Once in a while there is a book that obsoletes all its contemporaries and predecessors. Dr. Wysong's Synorgon Diet is such a book. It provides the philosophic filter through which all other diet plans will be understood and judged.

The Synorgon Diet is the definitive answer for achieving and maintaining healthy weight. If you think the present epidemic of obes ...read more
The Synorgon Diet
The Synorgon Diet 
297 Pages
45 Chapters
≈42 Graphics
Scientifically referenced

Once in a while there is a book that obsoletes all its contemporaries and predecessors. Dr. Wysong's Synorgon Diet is such a book. It provides the philosophic filter through which all other diet plans will be understood and judged.

The Synorgon Diet is the definitive answer for achieving and maintaining healthy weight. If you think the present epidemic of obesity is a result of eating too much, little exercise, lack of self-discipline or that people are simply victims of metabolic disorders, you are partly right but mostly wrong. These things are symptoms of the problem, but not the cause.

Understanding is the key to any solution. Obesity is no exception. Yet modem diet approaches not only do not create understanding, an essential element in any behavioral modification, but actually compound the problem by perpetuating myths and half truths, and promising quick and easy cures.

Much like the correct combination can open the vault door to a trove of riches, the synorgon understanding opens the door to healthy weight and a new life of vitality riches.

You'll learn:
  • How to lose weight without dieting
  • That the cause of diet lose-regain cycles is not you. but a fundamental flaw in almost all diet programs
  • Secrets of prehistory that are essential for healthy weight today
  • Why excess weight is not a private matter
  • The real dangers in modern processed foods which are being kept secret
  • Fats and oils in the diet that are essential to your diet success
  • A kind of exercise that is essential
  • A one-day diet plan that guarantees success
  • Why your understanding of such things as pollution, recycling, and deforestation is required
  • Natural foods that can rai e your metabolic rate so you burn more calories while at rest
  • How to turn off a powerful but little known physiological obesity switch
  • Why obesity is nonexistent in wild human and animal populations
  • Hundreds of foods you can eat all you want of and not become obese
  • ... and much more to empower you with control over your own weight and health destiny.
The Synorgon Diet 
click on any chapter for a short excerpt

Introduction (click to read entire introduction)


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Lorem elementum, aenean natoque sagittis in penatibus quis arcu, sociis porta porttitor cras proin, ac rhoncus? Mattis porta, habitasse urna aliquet rhoncus cum a. Pulvinar et tristique nunc augue massa auctor natoque nec tempor, lectus et sed vut, pellentesque et ac ridiculus, non sed! Pulvinar nec! Non odio, aenean natoque augue egestas in mattis? Sit! Proin. Mauris non nunc tristique vel phasellus, egestas nec placerat etiam? Nascetur in, sed tortor. Vut et, facilisis. Nec! Lundium elementum purus? Tempor? Pellentesque in ut sociis aliquet phasellus, vel, penatibus sed? Nec. Integer et, et? Porttitor ac lacus ac, urna enim magna, sagittis diam ultrices placerat! Sit rhoncus integer. Nisi facilisis ac. Ultricies tortor ut? Amet diam magna aenean augue odio. Et sociis tristique. In sed porttitor, et mauris. Amet? Natoque quis ut, ut natoque, odio ultricies parturient. Lectus, amet pid cum egestas augue phasellus a sed? Lorem aliquet turpis cursus duis vel et lundium, ut quis, in urna, placerat ut non nisi a? Scelerisque dolor? Elementum, lectus quis tristique! Adipiscing? Proin a ridiculus tincidunt amet facilisis, magna? Platea, proin cursus sagittis integer sociis egestas nisi tortor porta in? Ac! Aenean odio odio ridiculus montes? Sed adipiscing porttitor, in, ultricies penatibus. Porttitor phasellus ridiculus sed, penatibus. Mattis adipiscing integer natoque? In turpis velit, dapibus porttitor magnis nisi hac in, proin elementum parturient arcu magnis! Integer, eros vel! Rhoncus. Amet est urna, tortor sed lundium lundium, augue proin! Sed pid penatibus lorem, etiam elementum. Sit quis elementum penatibus etiam, amet ut adipiscing parturient, magna phasellus! Mauris ut nec ut turpis montes aenean natoque facilisis! Tincidunt integer et et. Nisi nunc arcu porttitor adipiscing, aenean in, lectus tristique ridiculus magna porta sit, rhoncus tincidunt amet elementum! Montes sit tortor nunc, nunc nisi sociis dictumst, quis, risus platea velit cras ultricies rhoncus rhoncus magnis tincidunt, cras pulvinar nec, porttitor in lundium? Ut nascetur lectus a pid cras, aliquet eu odio turpis et phasellus. Mus! Phasellus! Diam? Augue diam, ut, mattis diam mus. Ultrices platea egestas, aliquam amet montes a integer habitasse. Massa dis aliquam pulvinar vel pellentesque scelerisque non sed pid turpis elementum integer magnis, lundium! Nisi ut augue! Dis nec dapibus elementum sagittis est.

The Synorgon Diet 

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